Start anytime * eligibility criteria apply, material fees may apply


Start anytime * eligibility criteria apply, material fees may apply


22644VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Employment/Professional)


General: The 22644VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Employment/Professional) supports EAL learners who require high level English speaking and listening, reading and writing skills to gain skilled or specialised jobs such as various technical and IT jobs or jobs in the medical or engineering professions. Participants may have specialised knowledge and technical skills and need to develop a higher level of English language proficiency to successfully gain access to their field. The course is intended to provide participants with the following education outcomes:

  • applying conventions of complex written and spoken texts related to specialised workplace contexts
  • using vocabulary related to complex workplace issues and activities
  • using appropriate register in a workplace context
  • knowledge of Australian workplaces
  • using complex grammatical structures and discourse features
  • participating in complex workplace interactions and presenting complex information using appropriate linguistic structures and conventions.

Entry requirements:

Entry to this EAL Course is determined according to the following criteria:

  • a participant’s current English language skills. (The Listening and Speaking and Reading and Writing units in the Framework may provide the basis for initial assessment processes and placement of participants at the appropriate proficiency level)
  • a participant’s prior formal education experience, both overseas and in Australia
  • any prior EAL learning
  • a participant’s learning and pathway needs including employability skills, literacies (digital and other literacies), and further educational and vocational training needs.

Every student will be required to complete the English Proficiency Assessment test and a Pre-Training Interview. Students must also be at least 18 years of age.

Vocational outcomes: Students can go into a range of employment options.

Delivery and assessment: This course is delivered in a classroom setting. Strategies include a variety of assessment methods and evidence gathering techniques, which offer an integrated approach to assessment.

Assessment methods and tools may include: verbal presentations, multi-media presentations, portfolios, student self-assessments, on-going teacher assessment, direct observation, simulated role plays, third party feedback e.g. from (teachers, community members or peers), verbal questioning to confirm linguistic, sociolinguistic and cultural knowledge.

Unit CodeUnit DescriptorNom Hrs
Core Units
VU23529Analyse and participate in complex conversations80
VU23540Present and listen to complex oral presentations in an employment or professional context80
2 Specialisation Units
VU23543Critically read and write formal correspondence and complex prose texts for professional purposes80
VU23544Critically read and write complex descriptive texts in a professional context80
General Electives
VU23574Research current issues55
VU23262Respond to an advertised job20
BSBWRT411Write complex documents50
TLIE0010Identify, analyse and report workplace data and information30

This Training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding. Eligibility criteria apply. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Please make sure you have read all the course information about units of study, duration, entry requirements, assessment information, job prospects etc.


1. You must attend a pre-training interview which includes a Language, Literacy and Numeracy test and complete the eligibility declaration form (in the case of students applying for Skills First Program Funding).

2. To complete the application process, click on the ‘Apply Now’ link. Complete the steps involved to submit your application online.

3. ITHEA will assess your application and make sure all entry requirements are met. An ITHEA representative will contact you if your application is unsuccessful.


If you have any questions about the course, please call us on 9650 3900.


  • Skills First Funding


  • Non Apprentice/Trainee


6 months




Melbourne CBD 3000


In class




If you have any questions about the course, please call us on 9650 3900.