Short Courses

Infection Control: An Overview


Course Description:

Discover how infectious agents spread and identify simple precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the different types of infectious agents (micro- organisms) and the harm they can cause
  • Explain why older people are at increased risk from infections
  • Distinguish the links in the chain of infection and how to break them
  • Implement the role of standard precautions in preventing and controlling the spread of infection


Who is this course appropriate for:

This course is appropriate for all Staff.

Continuing Professional Development Hours:

CPD: This course is worth 0.75 Continuing Professional Development hours.

Duration: 1hr

NOTE: Please allow up to 24 hours to enrol you into the course after payment, Required Score 70%, Due in 7 days and you can Print your Certificate on Completion